My first music video is finally out after months of waiting!
For those who don't understand the lyrics, it's a song about those who have fallen down before but have had that special someone next to them to help them up again. This song is to thank that special someone. The clips of the documentary is of a girl's journey in search of a lost love. Although she never finds him, his presence in spirit as well as all the people she encounters help her mend her broken heart.
人都有過去嘛. 誰沒有受傷過. 但最重要的是跌倒了就要勇敢的站回起來. 這首歌是在謝謝那個給我們勇氣再站起來的人. MV的畫面是在描述一個在尋找舊情的女生的故事. 雖然最後沒有追回那份感情, 但她還是從旅途中療了傷, 勇敢的面對人生.
Slow&Simple. Hope you enjoy it!
很簡單的抒情歌. 希望你會喜歡!
A little poem I wrote for this song:
Love you, and love you with more than words can say.
Adore you, and adore you till my dying day.
I release you, and release you into the arms of another.
For I love you, and love you even if fate won't let us be together.