

My first music video is finally out after months of waiting! 
For those who don't understand the lyrics, it's a song about those who have fallen down before but have had that special someone next to them to help them up again. This song is to thank that special someone. The clips of the documentary is of a girl's journey in search of a lost love. Although she never finds him, his presence in spirit as well as all the people she encounters help her mend her broken heart. 

人都有過去嘛. 誰沒有受傷過. 但最重要的是跌倒了就要勇敢的站回起來. 這首歌是在謝謝那個給我們勇氣再站起來的人. MV的畫面是在描述一個在尋找舊情的女生的故事. 雖然最後沒有追回那份感情, 但她還是從旅途中療了傷, 勇敢的面對人生.

Slow&Simple. Hope you enjoy it!
很簡單的抒情歌. 希望你會喜歡!

A little poem I wrote for this song:

Love you, and love you with more than words can say. 
Adore you, and adore you till my dying day. 
I release you, and release you into the arms of another. 
For I love you, and love you even if fate won't let us be together. 



.little bo peep.

It was decided a day before the hike that Stella and I would go up to yangmingshan to be one with nature. It was a national holiday and the taipei was packed with like, a billion people so it was kinda nice to be out of the bustling city. 

我跟好友Stella前幾個禮拜突然決定去陽明山爬山. 那天是假日, 台北擁擠了不知道多少個人. 當天可以在大自然享受一點寧靜果然是個好決定.

The weather was awesome on the way to yangmingshan but when we got to the top I don't know how we ended up with a sunny AND foggy day. What a great view. 

去陽明山途中天氣明明就好好的, 誰知道一到就又曬又霧霧的. 你看.風景好棒 .什麼都看不見.... 

But that's ok, as long as one has great company, one will always have a great time!

但沒關係, 只要有好伴, 就一定好玩!

We walked by these bushes that were taller than us and I kept telling Stella I heard rustling in there and God knows what was in there... and then out popped this cute little thing!

我們爬山的時候經過這些比我們高的草叢. 我一直跟Stella說我從裡面聽到聲音, 不知道會有什麼東西突然跑出來... 話沒說完, 這頭可愛的牛就跑出來跟我們打招呼!

Taking photos with stinky shit the size of our heads 


Pretty nice hike that day. Hope I'll get better weather next time I go!

那天還蠻好玩的. 希望下次去天氣會比較好!



.music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.

Went to a Rock Symphony Concert of some sort with a friend a few days ago. Didn't really know what to expect and thought that I most probably would be lulled into some kind of hypnotic trance (ie falling asleep with my eyes wide open) but it was surprisingly a good time! There were some interesting pieces that made me sit up, especially one perky number that turned Michael Jackson's Beat It into some sort of orchestral anthem. 

前幾天去了 <瘋搖滾.硬台灣> 的演奏會. 以為會進入一個催眠狀態 (也就是睜開著眼睛睡覺) 但竟然過了一個很愉快的夜晚! 有一首還用了很不一樣的方式演奏Michael Jackson的Beat It. 還.不.賴.

My choice of attire for the night


I keep bumping into this pig. It's the second time this week. Once I even bumped into him in an apartment building. Super random. Maybe we were soulmates in our past life. Quite possible. 

這禮拜一直遇到這位小豬. 有一次還在朋友的家門外面遇到牠. 有沒有那麼巧. 或許我們上一輩是好朋友. 很有可能喔.




Happy 2013!!!! In case you didn't notice, that's what I was trying to do with my hands. 

2013年快樂! 如果你還沒發現的話, 我就是在用手比2013. 

Ok, time flew by too quickly. Like, seriously. Blink of an eye, it's now March and I haven't updated this blog in 4 months! Oopsie Poopsie... my baaaaad! On the bright side, I now have a gazillion photos to post! I guess I'll take it slow and just start with some happy nu year peektures!

Ok, 時間也過得太快了吧! 一轉眼就已經是三月了. 四個月沒有po任何東西.不好意思餒! > < 可是過了很長時間有個好處, 就是: 我有好多照片要po! 還是慢慢來好了... 先po一些過年的照片!

Happy Snake Year!

蛇年行大運!! 耶~

Lots of red packets!! I don't wanna grow up! Forever young at heart!

好多紅包!! 因為我還是小朋友! 不想長大!

A badass (not really) version of the first pic! Aaaaand that's it for now! I promise it won't be too long before the next post!

比第一張粗魯了一些! 下次一定不用等那麼久! 



.DIY Tuesday.


DIY-ed the shoulders of my flaunt.cc sweater. There were holes to begin with but I wanted a slouchier look so I made them bigger. I also cut holes in my black jeans coz I thought they looked too.. um.. black. Liking how they look so I might get some sandpaper to make more frayed holes in them. 

這個上衣肩膀本來就有洞了, 可是我想要衣服有鬆鬆的感覺所以把洞剪得比較大.
褲子的洞也是我剪的. 蠻喜歡它這樣子.可能會去買砂紙弄多幾個洞.

Happy Shopping Day!

.double double toil & trouble.

You're staring at a cartful of dead bodies, yes you are! This was at the Universal Studios in Singapore over Halloween. Despite the sweltering heat, it was pretty fun!

沒錯! 你現在看到的是一個裝滿屍體的推車! 我今年在新加坡的Universal Studios過萬聖節. 雖然很熱, 可是還是很好玩!

I just noticed I have pretty much the same fake-scared pose in every photo. No lack of creativity there! :p

我幾乎每張都擺一樣的pose. 好沒有創意喔!

The next day was a dress up event and everyone went ALL OUT. I was too lazy to dress up though. 

第二天大家就打扮得很誇張. 太厲害了! 我今年反而懶得打扮.

Bruce Lee and his amazing flying kick!


No idea what these two fools were up to. 


Insane make up!! Thumbs up for the make up artist!

妝化得也太厲害了吧! 化妝師超強!

Ending this with a video of a really cute Halloween card I received.



I have been stuffing my face ever since I wrapped the movie 100 days. And I see the consequences of my actions in these photos. Diet time!

自從拍完<<百日奇蹟>>那部電影, 我就一直吃個不停. 我在這些相片裡看到後果了!