
.take me away, to a far far away place.

 Last month, I jetted over to Mazu Island to visit Johnny on set. As well as soak in some sun and have some fun! 

上個月去了馬祖探小斯哥的班, 也順便去玩玩曬太陽!

The focus of this photo is the sign that says the flight's headed for Beigan but I guess disguising my manager's face (she hates taking photos) with a big fat pink heart kinda steals the limelight. 

這張照片的重點是寫著北竿的招牌, 可是難免還是會去注意遮臉(經紀人不喜歡拍照)的桃紅色愛心.

Bye bye Taipei.

Hello Mazu.

Yup. That's the whole airport! 

沒錯. 整個機場就差不多這麼大.

Outside the airport. 


Always seize the opportunity to take photos while waiting!



The view from the set. 


Okay okay, one more without my head in the way. 

好啦好啦. 我讓開讓你們看清楚一點.

Dinner time!


Drinking from bowls the old school way!


Yup. That's our hotel. 


The Room. 


2nd meal in mazu. Their signature fish noodles. 

在馬祖的第二餐. 馬祖的招牌魚麵,

Cute little marshmallow girl taking in the view. 



Apparently the god of the island is a frog so you'll see lots of frog statues everywhere like this one here. 


Will the princess find her prince charming?


This little boy is too cute for words. He follows us on set and just quietly stands there watching. Even though we were strangers, it felt totally natural to have him just hang out wordlessly next to us. Maybe its being on this island. Life is simple here. 

這小男孩實在太可愛了. 我們去到哪裡, 他就會跟到哪裡. 雖然我跟他一開始是陌生的, 他的存在, 默默得站在我們旁邊, 感覺很自然. 可能是因為我們離開了繁忙的都市. 島上的生活是簡單的.

Mazu by night. 


Jump as high as you can. Feel the cool air upon your face. Free as a bird. Free from the shadows that bind you. 


Mazu by day. 


Johnny taking a break from shoot.


So the stylist said to me, "Strong winds today, you'll get sick with your belly button exposed. But since this is your look today, let's cover up that belly." And promptly stuck an 'X' over my belly button. Needless to say, I didn't fall sick!

那天服裝師跟我說: 今天風很大.你這樣穿會感冒. 既然你今天的造型是這樣, 還是把肚臍這一這好了."說完就幫我在肚臍上貼了個'X'. 那天, 我真的沒有生病! ^ _^ 

The only way to suntan!



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